#Electrosteel France

A breathtaking aerial view of the #Electrosteel French stockyard in Arles in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region.

#ElectrosteelGroup International Women's Day

The Women of #ElectrosteelGroup got together to make this beautifully choreographed video to celebrate #InternationalWomensDay.

#CrackerFreeDiwali - Mrs Radha K Agarwal, Officer on Special Duty, #ElectrosteelCastingsLimited

The #Electrosteel family has a strong responsibility towards the environment. This year, we encourage everyone to celebrate a cracker-free Diwali - according to medical experts, the pollution from burning crackers affects the lungs adversely, and would be especially harmful to those recovering from Covid 19. #CrackerFreeDiwali Pledge #SwachhBharatHaritBharat #CleanBengalGreenBengal !

#CrackerFreeDiwali - Mr M K Jalan Wholetime Director #ElectrosteelCastingsLimited

The #Electrosteel family has a strong responsibility towards the environment. This year, we encourage everyone to celebrate a cracker-free Diwali - according to medical experts, the pollution from burning crackers affects the lungs adversely, and would be especially harmful to those recovering from Covid 19. #CrackerFreeDiwali Pledge #SwachhBharatHaritBharat #CleanBengalGreenBengal !

#CrackerFreeDiwali - Mr Sunil Katial, CEO and Wholetime Director #ElectrosteelCastingsLimited

The #Electrosteel family has a strong responsibility towards the environment. This year, we encourage everyone to celebrate a cracker-free Diwali - according to medical experts, the pollution from burning crackers affects the lungs adversely, and would be especially harmful to those recovering from Covid 19. #CrackerFreeDiwali Pledge #SwachhBharatHaritBharat #CleanBengalGreenBengal !


#KnowledgeLeadership by #ElectrosteelCastingsLimited .
In the post-COVID-19 world, the role of water will become even more important. This webinar hosted by the #ElectrosteelGroup on May 30, 2020 is to discuss the greater needs and requirements with respect to water, the challenges that we will face and the strategies/policies that will need to be deployed. #technologythatcares

#ElectrosteelCastingsLimited #WorldEnvironmentDay 2020

The World Environment Day, 2020 celebrations at Electrosteel


A heartfelt tribute by a team member of #ElectrosteelcastingsLimited to the Company
